Tuesday, December 28, 2010

La Felizidad

Dicen k son los niños k son mas perceptibles ah una felicidad por no ser regidos  por miedos sin fundamento, orgullo, vanidad, arrogancia, egoísmo.Como se libera uno de tanto prejuicio? Como le invitas y como no arriesgas su existencia de k hablo la felicidad, el amor, la vida. Dejar k las cosas simplemente corran su curso y sin poner ningún obstáculo por miedo. ser lastimada, ser presa de ignorancia oh inocencia.
K mi libertad sea guiada por fe y valor, k mis brazos estén abiertos y nunca sean menos preciados, k mi alma se mantenga pura para aun creer inocentemente en la voluntad de los humanos, k mi ser sea prudente para no cometer tantos errores, k me entretengan las cosas insignificantes y me traigan tanta alegría, y k contagie mi risa ah mi ser mas a menudo.  

Welcome unknown, and God be on my side!

I find myself in touch with reality; there is resignation and less fear to an unknown. It is incredible to see how fear can hinder a person. Will I fear what I have not done more than what I should have done?  There is a saying that states that if one does everything in its power will get what they desire, but is that really true? I do not agree, perhaps I have not given it my all, or perhaps there has been a mediocre attempt.  How can you change what you have no control over? I read a blog it said something about how young adults search with desperation in horoscopes, Chinese cookies, in things like that a guide to life. A key to romance, success, overall happiness and self-fulfillment, I found the blog hilarious simply because I fall under that category. J It made me realize that you can’t live thinking that you can prevent failure and if you keep on trying to prevent it you only miss on opportunities, experiences, and possibly even romance, success, overall happiness and self-fulfillment. J
So I will try to do more and dream less, have greater faith and less fear.  I want to lose myself and finally find me.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Caminos de la vida

Empezó todo con un carro del cual yo conducía mas no asía lo k le indicaba hacer.  Lo peor es k el auto cual yo conducía ni era el carro en el k yo andaba. De k hablo? De un sueño k era más como una pesadilla, lo frustrante del sueño fue k al final no llegue al lugar donde deseaba, se asieron las cosas pero no fui yo las k las izo posibles, al final yo termine contenta por k han k no fui yo la k izo las cosas posibles se asieron, y no sé, no me gusto k me aleje de mi familia al final asía otro rumbo, pero me mostraba contenta pero triste a la vez. La verdad k no me gusto este sueño, k significa? Crees k los sueños de verdad sean una manera de cómo dios se comunica, oh acaso en realidad es lo k la psicología describe como nuestro subconsciente.   
Ah sido un dia agotador, mañana se concluye una historia de mi vida y empieza otra. NO ay manera de saber cual es la mejor manera de cómo se debe vivir, para cada persona la vida le presenta un camino. No siempre es el mas parejo ni el mas placentero pero al final del dia uno escoja k camino tomara de todos los k se nos presentan. Yo simplemente por hoy le pido ah DIOS k se apiada de mi, k me guie asia el camino k el diseño para mi, creo k es el k me otorgara la más grande gratificación al final de una vida.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Delicate flower :)

Ok so the day started earlier than what I would have liked. Went for breakfast oh and I must say that the restaurant we ate at is my favorite, why? The waitresses, the cooks, the customers, it is the usuals J do you get me? The food is ok, but I am sold by the environment. It is a small restaurant that is located right of a main highway in a medium size town, simple and friendly.  Ok and back to our story.
Worked on the house once again, and wow leveling a house is hard work, I can’t say I did any of that, but I saw them working while I demolish a front porch and a small shed. I have concluded that I would of made a perty nice termite, I sure do a decent job in destroying things. I removed the front porch floor, the ceiling and walls of the shed with a hammer, a pry bar, and a huge sledgehammer. I was sweaty, dirty, and had a great time with my sister, she kept making fun of me, said things like “nope there is no delicate flower here.”  Oh let me tell you how that got started, so my sister was like “hey straighten up there is a cute guy passing by, think delicate flower,” I smiled and hit the floor with the sledgehammer from the bottom causing it to loosen the nails and the floor to fly a lot higher than what I expected :P she then said “nope just hopeless.” We kept laughing throughout the day at my new found love in destroying things, like I said this has been very therapeutic for me. I get to release some stress while advancing in the demolish part of the remodeling job it is a win for all, you see.
I keep forgetting that we are in the middle of December, but today in particular it felt like it, there was a small school concert offered at my brothers school and we attended he is part of the band, they wore Santa hats and played Christmas songs, and well the climate was perfect Christmas climate cold and had that melancholic look to it, with a dash of magic in the air. Ok out of the subject still no Christmas lights and tree, I know don’t ask! But I have concluded that it is just not going to happen this year, but hey Christmas is something you carry in your heart!  HAHAHAHAHHAHA that was funny seeing that I have not been so Christmassy. Ok now being serious I will try to be more in the mood.
ok delicate flower out for the night ! :D J

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dusty :P

Ask me what I did today.
Ok ok I’ll tell you, I demolish the interior of a house, I must admit I had a blast. We recently bought a real fixer upper; it is a small but above all super old house. It was overwhelming to see how much work this house really needs, we have removed the walls that divided the bedrooms, kitchen, and restroom, and as you may imagine there was so much trash at the end. I must admit that all the work that went into the house was absolutely worth it, not only did it help me release some built up stress, but at the end of the day once everything was picked up and the floors were swept I felt a very unique feeling. It is the feeling that you get when you are about to start something, still a long way to go but the finish line at eye site, far but present. There is nothing more gratifying than to work in what is yours. To live and share it with the family is quite a gift. I was pulling the sherock from the ceiling and as I removed it tons of dust poor down on me, my parents bear witness and could not stop laughing. I was so dirty at the end of the day, had fragments of wood stuck in my hair, I looked such a mess, Yes it was a good day.
Hey Spain, I fall and get back on my feet.
Sorry you have to see me when I fall, it is not such a pretty thing, but thanks for giving me the time to stand back up.

Another day

I walk around and things simply turn to dust, leaving an emptiness that can’t be filled. My chest feels so tight, I can’t breathe. The feelings that have built up, simply overpowered the barrier that attempted to enclose them. No the tears that run down my cheek are not enough to release all that is enclosed. I stretch, attempt to laugh, an empty noise. Wake up, eat, go to bed slowly everything once loved and cherished slowly turning into fragments.  Slowly leaving me a ghost!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


So this is my fist blog, way strange.

One of those days that just seemed empty. Breakfast, busy morning, lunch at a fast food restaurant with my brother then back again to a busy afternoon, busy and empty. Traffic was horrible. Wow sounding a tad pessimistic of the overall day, ok let’s see good things, mmmm I iron a few of my shirts and got some laundry done, oh but I burned my hand with the iron let me tell you there is a nice mark from it, and back again with the negative :P
No Christmas tree no lights in my house can you believe it?  Were is the Christmas spirit?

Something about this December is really bothering me, I think is the hot weather. I need to get outside and start running, and I love to run in the cold. Is that weird? There is something special that happens with in me when I run in the cold, I feel so relax, so hopeful. Wow a tad crazy, every person is a different world most definitely.
Ok, the plan is to write once in a while and hopefully along the way entertain a few of yawl. This is my life always a mess, always trying to find sense in it, I will try to be more positive in the next one, hopefully talk about a nice Christmas tree in my living room.
Kisses Spirit